No drawing was done this weekend, I didn’t lift a pencil.
I was a little busy spoiling my husband with a surprise trip to London for his 50th Birthday. Most of the weekend was centred around him with surprises galore for him….but I did have to hijack an hour or two to go and see an amazing exhibition at the Mall Gallery.
The exhibition was The David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation – Best of Wildlife Art 2012. It was amazing, not only were there some of the best pieces of art I have seen but each of the artist were helping the Foundation to save endangered species from extinction. It just doesn’t get better than that.
Saturday was the last day of the exhibition and I was so glad I went to see it – so was everyone else. If you missed it you can see the catalogue here
Here are some of my favourites – there were many. I left feeling inspired and excited and more than a little determined to improve my work and one day be part of something like this.
Serenity by Samuel Ault
Winter’s Embrace by Nathan Bye
Alpha Wolf by Sara Butt
Banded by Dominique Salm
Reflections of Ruaha by Jonathan Truss
It was such a privilege to see this amazing work and many others. Please have a look at the other work and at the work of the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation.
Art has an amazingly powerful voice and letting it shout about important issues is a fantastic way to use it.
I need to go and draw now while the inspiration is still pumping! 🙂