I am preparing to relaunch my website with the features that you have requested so you can order prints and cards and see what original drawings are available. Life has taken me away from my artwork too much this year and I am determined to make up for lost time in what is left of this year. I had forgotten how frustrating all of this was, computers are trained to do the opposite of what I want them to do. It is ironic that my day job is working with a technology company….I am obviously not the technology brain.
The main thing is that I can get to do what I love most….draw!!!
My lovely husband paid for me to go on a visit to the Anglian Wolf Society to spend the day learning from a photographer and an artist…..and the wolves of course. It was an amazing day and the wolves were incredible. Their intelligence shone through and they were quite happy to pose for photographs and let us hear their beautiful voices.
I really couldn’t resist drawing this one.
Her name is Kaya and she is the alpha female of the pack. She had such a sweet nature and I would highly recommend a visit to see her and the others if you get the opportunity.
This portrait will be for sale as a print and cards when I win the fight with the technology…..pencils are so much easier to control 🙂
Impressive and very high quality. Dx
Thank you. 🙂
Hi Pamela, just wanted to thank you again for a wonderful colour pencil workshop, I know I had to “rush” my pencil painting but I’m still pleased with my results. The time just flew by!
Thanks David. I had a great day with you all. What a lovely group we had ????
Hi Pamela I’ve managed to finish my first portrait of my dog, Kyle. I think I picked a really hard photo as Kyles hair is quite curly, so I decided to reduce the curls! Don’t know if this will work but here is a link https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpt1/t31.0-8/p843x403/11220785_1106542396039581_5642490564165886347_o.jpg
Thanks again
It worked and the drawing is beautiful. Thank you for sharing it, it is always nice to see what everyone does after the workshops. I hope you enjoyed it enough to do some more