Yesterday I showed you the first sitting at a portrait I am working on. The portrait is of one of my beautiful step daughters, Amy and her dad on the day of our wedding.
I was nervous about showing you the photograph I was working from in case my portrait looked nothing like it but a little further on …. here is the photograph.
As you can see, the photograph caught a wonderful moment (thank you Jason) but grandad’s nose kind of spoiled the composition. 🙂
The beauty of a drawing is that you can edit out the bits you don’t want and recreate your own composition exactly how you want it.
This is the progress after a second sitting and, although skin is much more difficult than fur for me, I am quite pleased so far.
Now I have to try and resisit the urge to overwork it.
beautiful draughtsmanship.
Thank you so much. I hope to do some more people portraits if I can : )