We are home from France and, while I had a fantastic time, it is great to be home again.
My waistline has expanded and I will need to ween myself off patisserie but it was worth it. The French people were endlessly patient with my incredibly rusty French and our landlady for the week was fab! There is even a chance we may go back next year to exhibit in her restaurant…..fingers firmly crossed!!!
I did lots of drawing but found it difficult to get anything to upload so could not share. I was working on a couple of drawings including a new animal for me.
This is Carter the Bull who I met at The County Show this year and was commissioned to draw. Unfortunately Carter died suddenly before I could photograph him so we are having to work with older photos.
He was a stunning creature and it is a pleasure to draw him. You know how much I love a new challenge don’t you?
Here are the first stages
And with some colour too
He looks just so amazing, I can’t wait to see the finished portrait.
I burst into tears when I saw these, he was such a special part of our family and it will be so lovely to have a lasting memory of him. Thank you for making that happen.
I am enjoying it. Will post more progress tomorrow 🙂
Love your work. You are total startist! Dx