I have been a little absent from my blog and I appologise but sometimes life gets in the way, however, a new challenge is ready to begin!!

 If you get an e-mail which starts……

“We are about to embark on another aesthetic voyage through the precarious postal system.”

…….then it fires your enthusiasm for another challenge.

This time the it is the brainchild of Mark-Philip Venema and it is called MailART 2. 



The challenge puts me in a group of 28 artists from all over the world who will all create 27 works of art, one to be sent to each of the other artists. There are 2 groups (Mark is in both) so 55 artist in all.

The rules state that they MUST be 4-1/8 x 5-3/4 (postcard size) on some kind of more a less rigid 2-D material and the theme is

“Time and Being Human”

The theme can be interpreted by the artist as they wish and each work must be original and different from all the others…..so 27 different pictures x 56!!  Each card is then stamped and posted to one of the other artists to see how it survives the postal system and what scars it bears at the end of it’s journey.

The challenge must be completed by the end of September.

All of the images will be in an online exhibition at the end and there will also be some real life exhibitions (Hopefully I can get one in Scotland too).

I am excited!!

Now, I can understand if some of you are diving for cover (especially if you are one of my friends who has to face me in real life) but I think this will be an amazing experience and I get to have some original artwork from amazing artists, meet new friends and draw lots of new pictures!!

I have decided to interpret the theme by showing you snapshots of how my time is spent….being human.  27 images of bits of my life shown in postcard sized images.  I will also tell you a little about each of the images and may share some additional photographs….so by the end of it, you will all know me a bit (or maybe a lot) better.

So…..how do you all feel about that……comments are appreciated…..please.

I will share all of my postcards with you here and will also share the postcards I receive and a little about the artists who send them.  I will try to post the first of the images in the next couple of days. 

Watch this space 🙂




6 thoughts on “My Life in Postcards”

  1. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with. I wonder–is time spent being human different in Scotland than it is in Alaska? Or is it startling the same? Your work is so fresh and beautiful, it will be a treat to see how your postcards answer the question! Go for it!

  2. Wow! This will be amazing! I am so excited for you! I cant wait to see what you come up with for 27 different post cards! You can do it! You are an amazing artist! Have fun!!

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