Woo hoo!! Made it to double figures and one third of the way through. I have some pieces which I am quite happy with, enquiries for some more commissions and am on the way to having enough work for the arts festival.
I had a relaxed evening last night and produced a special ‘Pittenweem’ image for the ‘Colours of Scotland’ range which is only going to be available during the festival itself.
This is done in graphite pencil and then mounted ready to frame. It will be available in 2 sizes the larger being my standard 500mm x 400mm and the smaller one I will work out soon. ( I am going to do quite a lot ‘soon’)
This is proving to be a real voyage of discovery for me and I am grateful for the support I am receiving from my personal friends and also from my online and ‘Twitter Friends’.
I thought I would share the work of one of them today and some more in the coming days.
This is the work of Andrew Crane who is an artist I have come to really admire. He manages to combine structure and a real sense of freedom in his work (for me). He also has a great sense of humour and a vast knowledge of the art world.
This is a new work of his called ‘2 appearing’
You can follow Andrew’s work here
Thank you Andrew