I know lots of new people are following this blog now, thank you for joining us, and if you are new then you may not know that I like to challenge myself. Those of you who have followed for a while, thank you for being so patient with me, will hopefully be interested right now 🙂
Drawing has been on the back burner too long and I wanted to go back to learning as much as I can. My last major challenge which had to be put on hold was portraits and I really wanted to explore that properly.
The hardest part of drawing for me is staring at a blank sheet and getting started so a bigger project should hopefully get things moving again.
The aim of this challenge is to find out:
- Is it easier to draw someone you know and love?
- Can I draw without overworking?
- Should I just stick to animals?
The photo I have chosen to draw is one of my favourites from my wedding day. It was taken by the very talented Jason Roseweir. http://www.roseweirphotography.co.uk/
This is my beautiful grandson meeting his new step-great-grandma (that’s a mouthfull). I love the expression on his face!!
Here is how the first drawing session went (excuse the quality – it is too big for my scanner)
Now…..I have to get the detail in without going to far!!
It does feel good to be back drawing properly though!
That was one if my favourites too! Such a great expression. 🙂
Thanks guys….especially Jason for such a wonderful pic to draw from : )