I just have to face the fact that I am not superwoman and everything will be allright. 🙂
Only, I still cannot get my head round the fact that, although I can achieve anything I want to (eventually), I cannot achieve everything all at once.
It is now 2 days till I launch my website and I have started to publicise the fact so there is no getting out of it.
I still have to add e-commerce to parts of the site, descriptions to others and check that everything works!!
I have managed to start some new artwork though so that at least makes me feel better but I would have liked to have done a lot more. I will get there though and I have to be happy with them before they get anywhere near the website anyway.
It is Friday though and I have a long weekend to look forward to and I have included a lot of friend activity in my plans so it should be fun. My friends are amazing and supportive and keep me grounded and enthusiastic at the same time. I am very lucky (though they are VERY cheeky too sometimes).
As it is Friday and I have not managed to come up with anything to show you again I would like to share the work of this artist with you.
This is my favourite and made me smile a lot
I only know the artist ast Bleee which is his user name on Red Bubble but you can find his amazing t-shirts here
I am now off to sort out this new website…..keep your fingers crossed xx
Hey thanks Pamela for posting this,
one of the things that keep me going is finding out people actually like my stuff!
Lots of other things I’m done or worked on can be found on my website
Thanks again!
Billy (aka Bleee)
Glad I could help, I love your work and wish you luck.
Thanks for that Pamela .. I will get to adding some more soon!