Today I have an overwhelming urge to clear out my life and simplify things completely.  I want to sit and sketch in the garden or my studio with a glass of old fashioned lemonade and the smell of fresh baking bread wafting through the house.  I want to go on a picnic with friends and my drawing journal and spend the day drawing, laughing, chatting and eating 🙂  I want to read a book without feeling guilty that I am behind on the cleaning and everything else.

I also want to go back to making my own clothes and cooking meals from scratch and baking cupcakes that don’t have more chemicals than natural ingredients.

I wanted a challenge for this month and today I have found it!

My challenge is to finish all of the jobs that need doing in the house and the garden and take things back to basics BY THE END OF JUNE!

Ok, so that may kill me, but at the moment I cannot relax anywhere with things as they are.  I have started work on every room in the house and the garden and finished nothing.  I have drawings and paintings started and left abandoned.  I have started sewing and knitting things and they are abandoned too. I have to clear the clutter in my life and stop trying to do everything at once…..maybe even learn to say no sometimes.

Now there is a challenge and once again I have shared it so there is no getting out of it. I shall make a list of the things that need to be done and then I will panic for a bit before I decide how exactly I am going to achieve this one! 

This has to be the biggest challenge I have set myself yet. I know I wanted an art challenge but I am sure I can still find time to do some drawing.

Tomorrow I will post a list of what needs done and then keep you up to date on my progress.

Oh and just as an excuse to post a picture.  This is storm who I was commissioned to draw last year.  She has just had 8 puppies – all black and I can’t wait to see them.  Her housemate and partner in crime Skye (Border Collie) who I am soon to draw has just had 7 puppies.  The house must be mad at the moment but such fun!


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