Passion and Patience, Talent and Temperament, Obsession and Opportunity, Focus and Faith.

Is that enough?

An artist needs to be able to be a one-person whirlwind of drive and determination.  Being a great artist is not enough.  You have to be able to promote your artwork which involves being able to communicate effectively face to face, in your blog, on your website, on other gallery websites, in your promotional materials, in all of the social networking available to you while you follow other people’s forums and blogs, arrange events and exhibitions, research your market and your customers, run promotions, look after your own finances and accounting not forgetting finding some time to eat and sleep (if you are lucky).

So how can one person do all that and be all that……by paying attention to what others are doing and listening to what others are saying.  You cannot become so wrapped up in things that you can no longer see the big picture.  Art is like everything else, it moves and we all have to aware of what is happening in our own market.

It is also crucial to be focused on one thing at a time.  Give yourself time to work and time to promote and also time to relax.  It is the only way you can function.

I am working full time (in a ‘real’ job) plus working full time as an artist plus being a single mum and running and renovating a house.  It is not easy but I am passionate and I am a whirlwind.

I have learned to work for 50 minutes then rest for 10 (not much but you would be surprised at the difference). 

I have learned not to look at my e-mail or anything else when I am working.

I have the best group of people to bounce things off before I do anything stupid!!

I am the MOST stubborn person on the planet and although I believe I can do ANYTHING I put my mind to I have finally learned that I cannot do everything at once.  The secret is not to beat yourself up about what you can’t do or you will lose your focus on what you can!

That is my rant wisdom for the day  🙂

I will share some more of the things I have learned with you but for the moment I would like to share my latest artwork with you.  I was good to do some detailed work after so long.  My thanks to Susan, who is my friend Jill’s flatmate and agreed to model for me only about an hour after I met her.  (The progress pictures are dull as they are photographs but final image is properly scanned)












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