Finally, I managed to get away from the computer and the website and get back to creating some new artwork. I had forgotten how messy it was when I paint though, especially when I create abstracts. I would have take a photograph to show you but I could not bring myself to let you see how messy I actually am. Not to mention the fact that animals and children starve until I am finished!! (My son is 17 though so he really can look after himself and there is food in the cats’ dishes but they like me to show them where it is…..even though it has not moved since I put the new kitchen in 11 months ago).
Anyway, here is the new picture which I have called the beach, just because it gives me that feeling of the sea and the beach. It may actually be a small tsunami if I put it in scale but it still gives me a feeling of calm. I put it into a frame to let you see what it looks like but I am not sure it is the right frame….will decide later.
Here is the picture as a work in progress
As you can see, there is a needle and thread involved but I use all sorts of materials and techniques to get texture and colour into my work.
Here is the completed article:
Finally, here is what it looks like framed:
It uses, watercolour paper and paints,acrylic paint, silk, silver thread, beads and stone chips.
It felt really good to be painting again after spending so much time on the website.
I have taken some photographs of myself and friends in my friend Jill’s flat as she has amazing windows in her kitchen and will be doing a series of pictures from those photographs so that is what is next on my to do list as it is a while since I did any detailed work.
I also found this website which I thought may be of interest as it is offering FREE marketing courses by e-mail for creative people including artists. It is down to earth advice that helps focus your mind and your efforts.
Now I get to go back to drawing again….yipee!!