Time to show you another MailArt card which has arrived safely at it’s destination. 🙂
I am enjoying this challenge though drawing at postcard size is not an easy task for me…..neither is finding 27 things that represent my life. I am more than half way through now so should be finished in time….if I can think of some more cards to draw.
This is ‘Jerry’, one of my 3 cats, he is the one that likes to ‘help’ with my artwork by, walking through wet paint, sitting on my drawing board while I am drawing and sitting on my laptop. On occasion he also chews the ends of my pencils for me, cuddles me while I am drawing and sits on whatever I am trying to draw…..I do still love him though.
This is him, on the prowl:
I also received some more artwork this is from Simrat Khalsa (@horseartist) and is part of her ‘Dreamstate’ series for this challenge. I love this colourful image and am happy it is part of my collection.
Her bio says Simrat Khalsa grew up surrounded by art and artists. There was never a question that she wouldn’t end up creating visual images of some sort.
Current media includes oil painting, monoprints, drawing, photography, book arts and mixed media. While some work is purely abstract, more often some representational imagery is included. An ongoing theme is layers, and using this layering to explore aspects of the human experience.
To find out more follow this link http://www.simratkhalsa.com/blog/
I love the description of Jerry’s ‘help’ to your artistic achievements 🙂
It is amazing how cats know how to just get in the way not to stop you but just to make things awkward !
Did he catch anything whilst prowling?
The postcards are terrific! If that is a hard size to draw on, what size do you prefer to use normally?
Thanks Gina I usually draw somewhere around A4 – A3 Much more comfortable at that size but it is good practice 🙂
This one looks like our Snowflake. Same attitude. He’s very gentle and sweet with us. But not so much for other cats. Never gets in trouble with humans and the sweetest. Asks for everything very politely 🙂
Perhaps your cat who likes paint was a artist ina previous life and is trying to help!
These are lovely and it looks a interesting project, nice to get the cards as well.
Thanks for the link to my art site. I also blog about the rest of my life here:
I love your story of Jerry. It is clear that he takes his job of caring for you very seriously. 😉
Thank you. He is lovely and very affectionate too. Loves cuddles!!
Jerry is a cutie! Love his colouring.