Another of my Mailart cards has emerged from the postal system and arrived in America so I get to share. This one is another portrait ….well a bit of one anyway. This is the lovely man in my life and his extremely contagious smile. I am still playing with drawing people so have not done a whole one yet. 🙂
This card was drawn to represent my “Time to Fall in Love”, this time sneaked up on me, took my breath away and caught me completely by surprise…..but then who could resist that smile?
This is us
This is my postcard version of him
Still not sure about drawing people so would love to hear your opinions. ….please.
Another of the lovely postcards I have received is this one from Caroline Nevin (@RubiesAreBlue)
This card combines colour and texture to produce this stunning abstract image
Caroline calls herself a “Visual Myth Weaver” and her portrait work is fascinating, I especially like the way she paints eyes….see for yourself and find out more about Caroline here.
You have gotthe likeness and spirit of the person hope you are both happy
You can draw portraits! What do you mean you can’t????? You captured his smile perfectly. Thank you for sharing.
its a strong likeness (thanks for including the photo) i think drawing people is the most fun of any subject.
i am loving all the #mailart
Congratulations for love sneaking up on you! And for the lovely photograph and the great portrait. I like the cut-out you chose. It’s as if he is smiling through a little window.
Wow so great to share this love of life :)))
nice job with the smile 🙂
I agree that you have captured his likeness very well! He is a lucky man to have you, who observes him so closely. 🙂
Mr IOW is the best ‘face’ that I have seen you draw so far – it definitely is as good as some of your dog portraits.
It’s an awwwwesome portrait – definitely captures his smile perfectly! 😉
Thanks Becky, I really appreciate your comment as you know him so well 🙂