These boots are made for walking – well – little walks, I have big walking boots for more adventurous expeditions.  I really love to walk and look and take photos which often become pictures….some of them will follow in this challenge.

This is the second Mailart picture which has been received already and shows my favourite boots which are in between a pretty boot and a walking boot.


Here is my version

 MailArt002 sm

I have to admit….I quite like this picture too 🙂

Here is the second mailart card I have received which is from Barbara Carter (@barbarajcarter) and it is beautiful.  It has a layer of velum over the top of the images which gives a lovely ethereal feel to the whole thing.   I love this postcard.


You should also have a look at Barbara’s website there is a lot more of her work there which I know you will love 🙂

Thank you Barbara 🙂

 I will spend the weekend drawing a lot more and hope that the postal strike will not affect this challenge too much!!!

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