This lovely labrador came to visit me in Pittenweem just as I was trying to eat lunch…..look at that face…..I had to share.  It did mean that if I held my brie sandwich beside my camera I could get this beautiful photograph to work from.

 sparkle photo

I had fun shopping for new pencils before starting this portrait (not sure why I had to buy the lovely green pencil but I am sure I will find a use for it 🙂 ) and I loved watching this lovely animal come to life.


Her eyes were saying….’Please give me that sandwich’ I hope I have managed to portray that here.


Sparkle eyes

Isn’t it strange how a challenge can bring out something that you never knew was in you.  I had a conversation on Twitter yesterday with a few people including @detlef_c, in which we explored the theory that challenge freed creativity.  For me this is very true, I did not realise how much I could enjoy bringing animals to life on paper until I had to complete work in record time.  If I do not have time to worry then I get the job done without going and making coffee, putting on laundry, phoning a friend, walking away from it, etc,etc.  Now I know I can do it if I just turn my brain off and let my heart draw/paint and now I can’t wait to create my next picture.  Anyway, what is the worst that can happen….a wasted piece of paper and a little pencil or paint, maybe, but another lesson will be learned.

I have an illustration to complete for a very special friend next though….another new challenge.

5 thoughts on “Sparkle”

  1. That drawing is alive! Those eyes are so warm and begging. I just love it! You have really grown in your work.

    I have to agree with you 100% about challenging yourself and the challenge bringing out the creativity within. I experienced that myself in my own challenge. I have been mourning the loss of my inner poetess and yesterday she woke up inside of me and poetry just poured out of me. I am so excited about what she has to say next 🙂 and what image will be the result.

  2. Thank you ladies 🙂 Karen – I told you that you would be amazed at what the challenge brings out in you. It is such an amazing intense experience and it leaves you a much stronger artist at the end of it.

  3. Another masterpiece Pam. You just keep getting better, and I’m not sure why that surprises me! 🙂
    … Dx

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