Well, I am excited anyway. Today I picked up 3 drawings from the framers where they were being mounted. I don’t frame my work as I leave that to the owner to chose but I do like to see them in mounts as they take on a different feel for me.
Here they are
They are cellophane wrapped so were difficult to photograph but I am very pleased with how they turned out. I am even more pleased that I have found a framer on the Island that I feel I can trust and work with 🙂 That may sound trivial but you are trusting them with your ‘babies’. Works that you have spent many, many hours bringing to life and it is so important that you can trust the framer to get their part right.
Here is a closer look at Nahla
And here is Casper with his postcard. I am really pleased with how they turned out too.
I am finding this all quite exciting and there is now only 2 weeks to go so no time to hang about!
I work so much better under pressure 🙂